Intro – War on Truth, Lawlessness

Kingdom People Newsletter – August 2020 updated June 2022 Primarily to the Gentiles of the USA For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work… 2 Thessalonians 2:7 Law-less-ness Inability to reason, a state of disorder due to a disregard of the law. No community standard of right or wrong. chaos, confusion, disarray, disorder,Continue reading “Intro – War on Truth, Lawlessness”

Be still and know that I am God…

Finally, the air has cooled, the fans are turned off and as I sip coffee on the back deck watching the morning light, I look to the East and a morning star appears above the treetops. This has been a pattern of mine for years but this morning I asked myself when did this start?Continue reading “Be still and know that I am God…”